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My Story


My journey began with a search for relief and answers for my young children who suffered for their health and emotional challenges (Asthma, Allergies, A.D.H.D., BI-Polar , C.O.P.D., ).  


I went to a Health Expo and thats were I found the EnerPrime Booth. We tryed a sample and it was delicious! I was amazed with all the nutrients in the supplement, and it safe with medication. I decided to try it. I noticed I wasn’t getting stressed out as frequently. My breathing was better, the kids came off of allergy shots, my skin sensitivity was clearing up, my family had fewer hospital vists and stays, there was more focus, fewer mood swings and I was looking younger!! Since then I learned that, if you cleanse, nourish, and strengthen the cells that every part of your body functions well and healing is achieved.


As you visit these pages, you will find the different modalities and supplements that have made the extreme difference in myself and my family.  These resources have made such an impact that I have made it my compelling mission to share with others so that they can find their healing as well.   I look forward to working with each of you on your journey.


Let's get back in the game of life!


Love and Light,



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